How Do You Know It’s the Right One? Getting Your Loved One into a Treatment Center

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Health

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Helping your loved one get into the right addiction treatment center in Philadelphia should be done as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the harder the oncoming struggle, indeed, battle for your loved one. One way to show your support in such dark and often trying times is to make sure the person you love gets into the best possible facility, one that’s going to be instrumental in bringing about your loved one’s healing and recovery. Addiction has a handy list of what you need to look into. You wouldn’t want to leave your loved one in the hands of an unfeeling, uncaring staff, after all, or to find out that the center isn’t legitimately run, so here goes:

1. Start with license and accreditations. Check if it’s licensed with the state. Accreditations mean a lot too. Given how tough accrediting bodies are, you can be assured that the facility is legitimate in real life, not just in paper or on site.

2. Read up on your loved one’s insurance plan. Make sure you know it by heart. If you want to be extra sure of what it entails sans legalese, then ask a lawyer to explain it to you in layman’s terms. That or to provide you with a layman’s version of the contract. Then when you find a facility and addiction treatment program that has a great chance of helping your loved one, find out if it works with your loved one’s insurance plan by requesting the facility to run a benefits check. This way, you’ll know if your loved one’s insurance can cover up some of the cost or if you need to set aside more funds for the rehabilitation treatment.

3. Determine the activities being offered. One way to get a feel for the place and find out if your loved one will fit in or if he’ll stick out like a sore thumb is to look into the activities provided to the rehabilitation patients. If anything doesn’t feel right to you, feel free to talk it out with the program director. If you don’t see eye to eye on some major points in terms of treatment, then you’re free to look elsewhere. However, if everything checks out and you think you’ve found the right addiction treatment center in Philadelphia for your loved one, you can start looking forward to a long, often difficult but ultimately rewarding path to recovery with the person you love.

So it’s time to pick out a treatment center, make sure you choose it with your loved one’s needs in mind. Visit the Healing Way that’s how you give your loved ones the best chance at recovery and a normal life.

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