As the world has become increasingly globalized, many people are finding that they have increased access to food from around the world. Exploring the different types of food from different cultures near and far can be very exciting. However, sampling food from around the world is not without its considerations. For example, if you are buying South American food from a gourmet food stores at Philadelphia, that food has to be shipped all the way from South America. The thousands of miles that the food has to travel involve several considerations. If the food is perishable, which it likely is, it will probably have to be refrigerated. Refrigerating food over such a long journey requires a lot of natural resources. The trucks to ship the food have to be built using non-renewable resources like petroleum. Then the food has to be shipped from South America. These trucks generally run on gasoline or diesel which is non-renewable as well as harmful to the environment. Also, buying food from farmers in South America could mean that less food is available in the communities that grow it. What solution is there? A growing emphasis on the farm to table or farm to fork movement can solve some of these problems.
In a gourmet food store, you will probably find food that is labeled as local. Local food tends to differ, but it generally means that the food has been grown near the store where it is sold. In a restaurant, this is sometimes called farm-to-table. Typically, it is also associated with organic farming techniques and sustainable agriculture techniques. Some of these stores even buy their food directly from the farms where it is produced. In some instances, the farm or farmers themselves actually own the gourmet food store.
The farm-to-table movement can be slightly inconsistent. Food that has not been genetically modified or shipped from far away is subject to seasonality. A farmer is oftentimes limited to growing different crops only when they are in season. That means that certain local foods might be unavailable during parts of the year.
Also, the food can be slightly more expensive because organic fertilizers and pesticides are somewhat harder to produce than synthetic ones. Also, the tenets of sustainable, ethical farming demand that the farmers be paid fair wages. These higher wages often translate to higher prices.
Furthermore, organic, sustainable food that has not been treated with genetically modified organisms tends to decay faster than treated food. They are not treated with preservatives beyond natural means such as organic wax and citric acid. That means you have to pay more attention to the freshness of your food. However, the lack of preservatives usually means that the food is healthier and more flavorful.
Exploring the different types of food from different cultures near and far can be very exciting. For more detail visit on