Win Your Disability Case With An SSI Attorney In Battle Creek

by | Jun 24, 2013 | Lawyers

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If you are disabled and can’t work, you still have bills to pay. You will need to act quickly and file for Social Security Disability to receive monthly financial help. Unfortunately, for most individuals, the Social Security Disability process is extremely long and trying. Most get turned down the first time and have to file an appeal.

Luckily, there are a few “tricks of the trade” that make filing for and winning your disability case a bit easier and most disability attorneys are familiar with these tactics. It’s usually a good idea, when you are trying to get approved for disability, to hire an SSI Attorney Battle Creek to assist you in the application process.

When you hire an Battle Creek SSI Attorney, you know that you have an advocate working with you on your case. Many cases are denied due to incorrect filing or missing a deadline. An experienced attorney understands the filing process, knows how to fill out the forms properly and is knowledgeable about filing deadlines and timelines.

Even with an attorney, first applications are usually denied. If this happens, you have 60 days to file for a reconsideration. This is simply just having the file reviewed again. If you’ve hired an attorney, such as one from the West Michigan Social Security Disability Law Center PLC, he will handle the Reconsideration for you. It’s unusual to have a reconsideration approved, but it’s worth trying.

The next step is an appeal and a hearing. Many individuals give up by this point, as the process can get very involved, but with an attorney, who is versed in these proceedings, it’s not a problem. Many denied cases are approved at this stage of the process. A Social Security attorney knows the questions the judge will probably ask you, knows what evidence to supply and knows how to properly present your case to have the best chance for success.

Trying to get approved for Social Security Disability can be difficult, especially on your own. If you plan to file for this financial assistance, hiring an attorney will give you the best chance to for a successful resolution to your case, as his professional expertise will work in your favor.

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