The moment you go public as a company, there will be a huge influx of investors buying pieces, or stock, in your company. The trick, however, is to get these stocks to your investors as fast as humanly possible. This is where stock transfer services come into play. There are many benefits to using one.
Quick Turnround
A transfer agent’s only task is to move purchased stock to the one who purchased stock. It can take anywhere from a single day to several days for stock purchases that are substantial. This leaves you free to focus on other aspects of your business.
Saves Money
Instead of hiring a team of employees to perform this work for you, a transfer agent can do it alone and will do it for a fraction of the price that the employees would cost. This leaves more money to be directed back into your business, which is great news for both your bottom line as well as your newfound investors.
Thre is an immense amount of rules and paperwork that goes into stock transfers. This takes time to learn as well as requires a large amount of paperwork to ensure everything is within regulatory compliance. An agent who specializes in stock transfer services can do all of this for you because this is everything that their job entails.
If you are interested in learning more about having a professional transfer your company stocks for you, please contact Colonial Stock Transfer at website.