What a credit repair company in New Jersey can do for you

by | Jul 1, 2021 | Financial Services

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Good credit is as essential a need for modern life as a good job and good health, but the need for it is often taken for granted until it is too late. People apply for a new credit card, or a home loan, and are rejected due to their low credit score. Hiring managers will sometimes research prospective employees’ credit ratings, and not just for jobs that require daily interaction with money. Bad credit can lose you that coveted position, without you ever knowing it’s the reason. Like a Scarlet Letter on an adulterer, bad credit will single you out and bring stigma, shame, and a bitter sense of inferiority.

It’s Not Only You
As bad as that sounds, no one with bad credit is alone. Millions of people today are deeply indebted and have no idea how to climb out of the holes they are in. When they can’t pay their credit card bills or make their mortgage payments, debt collectors come calling and banks repossess their homes. While these are momentary consequences that can be overcome, the damage this does to your credit is seemingly everlasting. Once saddled with a poor credit rating, you may think you’re doomed to live out your days as a pariah in the eyes of financial institutions.

You can do something about it
However, there are ways to repair your credit. It won’t happen overnight, and it will require some discipline and sacrifice on your part. By working with a credit repair company in New Jersey, you can dispute inaccurate or unverifiable information on your credit report. In addition to that, you will have help formulating a plan to reduce your burdens held by debt collectors, build up your credit again, and take measures to protect it once you’ve done so. Partnered with a credit repair company, this process may take anywhere from three to six months, depend on circumstances.

Dispute and Banish Disrepute
The most valuable help a credit repair company may provide is in the dispute process. Sometimes, information on your credit report is inaccurate or just plain incorrect. Mistakes do happen, but they can have long-term consequences. The credit repair company will examine your credit reports from the three main credit bureaus, and look for irregularities. If any are found, they will dispute the information on the reports, and in so doing you can see your credit score improve. This should give you – and others – a much better idea of your true credit score.

Depending on the irregularities and corrections, your credit score improvement could be minimal or dramatic. Either way, you could find you have easier access to loans and, if you so wish, new lines of credit. The bottom line is that your efforts to repair your credit will have tangible benefits for you and your family now and in the future. Contact Square one credit management for more information.

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