Under normal circumstances, eyelids perform vital functions in protecting the eyes. However, when the muscles in the lids weaken or you suffer from migraine headaches or excessive twitching, your eyelids can fall and obstruct your line of vision.
Once they fall out of place, the only solution to lifting them back into place involves undergoing surgery. By going through surgery for droopy eyelids in Glenview, you can regain a clear line of vision and escape the twitching and pain that come with this condition.
The surgical process to correct droopy eyelids in Glenview requires you to be put under local or general anesthesia. Depending on your overall health, you could be put to sleep during the operation. Otherwise, the surgeon will administer a local anesthetic to numb the sensation in this part of your face.
The anesthesia will remain in place until you are out of surgery. Your face may be numb for an hour or two longer to minimize your discomfort.
Incisions and Removal of Skin
During the surgery, your doctor will make incisions along and in the eyelids themselves. He or she will then remove excess skin and tissue that droop over your eye and obstruct your vision.
Once the tissue and skin are removed, the surgeon will stitch or glue the incisions closed. Your eyes will be bandaged to keep the treated area clean.
After Care
When you go home to recuperate, you will notice that your eyelids feel itchy and swollen. You are advised not to rub or scratch the area. Instead, your surgeon may prescribe an antibiotic ointment to keep the area hydrated and clean.
Your total recovery period will be around 10 days to two weeks. You can find out more about eyelid surgery online by contacting Adam J. Cohen, MD at web.