Toothache? See a Family Dentist in Dallas

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Dental Services

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Selecting a family dentist in Dallas is just as important as selecting a family doctor. Bacterial infections that begin in the mouth can spread throughout the body. Therefore it’s important that patients have regular checkups. Keeping teeth and gums clean is the best way to keep a mouth healthy. The dentists at Riverbend Dental began as dental hygienists, therefore they are dedicated to preventative medicine. Spotting a cavity when it’s small gives the dentist time to treat it, before it becomes a big problem. Some patients believe that a cavity is a spot in the tooth that has been worn down over time. However, a cavity is an active bacterial infection.

Cavities don’t heal without a dentist’s intervention. Eventually the cavity will become so large that it will weaken the top of the tooth. When this happens the dentist will have to insert a crown over the top of the tooth to protect it and prevent further decay. The crown can be made of either porcelain or metal. While a metal crown might be appropriate for a back molar, most patients prefer porcelain on a tooth that can be seen. The dentist sends the dental laboratory detailed shading instructions so that it matches the rest of the tooth.

When patients don’t see the family dentist in Dallas fast enough about a cavity, it can spread from the upper tooth the the root area. Because many sensitive nerves are located in that region, this can be a very painful condition. If the root is still intact the doctor will perform a root canal to save it. If the root has cracked or burst, the tooth will have to be extracted. Neither of these options is painful. The dentist will use a powerful anesthetic to numb the area. The patient will only feel gentle pressure. During a root can the dentist uses long thin wires to clean out the infected root. A temporary medicated filling is inserted. After a week, the patient returns. If the infection is gone, then the dentist inserts a permanent filling into the root. Because the top of the tooth probably experienced severe trauma, it is covered with a porcelain crown. Once the root canal and crown are in place, the patient can expect them to last for many decades.


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