Tips for Finding Dog Boarding Kennels in Millersville

by | Jan 2, 2014 | Animal Health

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10741411_lYour pet is of course as much a part of your family as your children are. However, it just isn’t possible to take your pet everywhere that you go, all of the time. There is going to come a time when you have to leave your pet behind, whether it is on a vacation that doesn’t allow animals or a business trip that needs your full attention. Gambills Veterinary Center or, GVC, knows how you feel about your beloved pet and works to provide the best Dog Boarding Kennels in Millersville. There are some rules that you will need to follow to get your dog, and you, ready for a trip to the Dog Boarding Kennels in Millersville however. You don’t want to just leave your dog without any preparation, so read on for how to prepare the both of you for the separation.

The first thing you will want to do is consider having a 24-hour trial before you leave your dog to go on your holiday. You can call GVC or visit website to see if this is allowed in the center. This is a great way to judge how well your pup will do without you while you are gone.

If your dog is used to sleeping with you, you might want to try getting him to sleep by himself. If he cries all night with you in the same house, he may do the same thing when you are gone and not there to comfort him.

Make sure that you don’t change their food before you go away. This could lead to tummy upset and that is not something you want the kennel to have to deal with while you are gone, besides you will worry yourself to death thinking about it.

Make sure to deflea and deworm them before you take them to the boarding center. You don’t want them to be uncomfortable in any way while you are gone. If you follow the above steps, your pet should be fine while you are away. You will have a good time, and who knows your pet may just have a good time as well.

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