Some Thoughts For Anyone Planning To Hold Chicago Sales Management Training Sessions

by | Dec 1, 2015 | Business

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First, let’s clarify who it is that wants to get themselves and/or someone else trained. In small to medium sized companies; this will probably be the owner or CEO of the company – possibly for himself; but, more usually for some or all of the employees. In larger concerns; it might be the sales manager or the head of the sales and marketing department. Let’s also be clear that we are not simply looking at training new sales managers. Additionally, what we are saying here about Chicago sales management training does not only apply to companies located in Chicago Illinois – the principles are applicable on a world wide basis.

Training The Company To Act As A Team And Manage Their Sales Better

There are schools of thought that claim that marketing is much more than sales and that the marketing department is the key to all the company’s activities. This opinion does possess certain merit. There is not much profit in manufacturing the best product on the market if it is so expensive that no one can afford to buy it. In a similar vein, the product must measure up to the customers’ quality ideals and it must be available where they want and when they want it.

Continuing such thinking; a sales person who is under achieving is not fulfilling the company’s profitability aims. Unfortunately, a salesperson who wins orders for more than the company’s capacity to produce the goods can also be detrimental to long term profitability. Then there are the cases of sales people who win orders from customers who do not pay for their goods.

Someone has to tie all these ends together and make everything run in a smooth and coordinated manner. Maybe you call this person the head of marketing or maybe you prefer it to be the responsibility of the board of directors; what you call them does not matter; it is the results that count. Those results will be better achieved if everyone involved is not only trained in their individual function within the organization; but all are also trained to act together as a team.

Chicago Sales Management Training should be seen as part of this overall team building process whereby the sales force fully interact and integrate their activities will all other disciplines within the company. Professional experts – like those at The Sales Coaching Institute – are readily available to assist your company to realize its full potential in the market place.

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