Some Information About Your Criminal Law Attorney Portland, OR

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Criminal Defense

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When you hire a criminal law attorney Portland, OR, you are definitely looking for someone who can help you deal with all the ramifications of being arrested. Any criminal charges can have very serious consequences, and these can apply whether you are guilty of the crime or not if you don’t get good legal help. The best way to handle an arrest is usually two part: First, get bailed out of jail and get back home. Next, get to work on your defense with the help of a criminal defense attorney.

Criminal charges include two basic levels of seriousness: Misdemeanors are the less serious charges while felonies are the more serious ones. Even when dealing with misdemeanors, you can end up with some very severe consequences if you don’t adequately defend yourself. Jail time and significant fines and penalties can happen with any criminal case, but a lawyer can help you protect your rights and make sure that you don’t end up with the worst case scenario in terms of punishment for the crime.

No matter what type of criminal charges you are facing, your criminal law attorney in Portland, OR will work hand in hand with you to make sure you get the best defense possible. Your lawyer’s involvement in the case can start as soon as you contact them for the free consultation. During the first consultation, your attorney can talk about the charges with you and can discuss some of the potential avenues of defense. As the client you are certainly entitled to give your opinion and can let your attorney know your wishes, but bear in mind that your lawyer will always be advising the actions that will be best for you.

Your criminal lawyer can deal with misdemeanors and felonies of many types including alcohol and drug cases, domestic violence cases, theft cases, and even traffic violations. The team at The Law Office of Andrew M. Kohlmetz LLC is dedicated to getting their clients the results they want. You can rely on the attorneys there to make certain your rights are defended and your case is settled as favorably for you as possible.

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