See the Dentist in Heber Springs for Your Tooth Infection

by | Dec 9, 2013 | Dental Services

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When you experience a tooth infection, it is vital you are treated by your dentist. Waiting to receive treatment can often cause the infection to worsen and it can even affect your heart. When infections spread to the gums, the condition becomes even more serious. It is important to understand the signs of tooth and gum infections so you can be prepared to seek dental treatment when needed. Your Dentist Heber Springs can give you the treatment you need, to bring the infection under control so you do not experience tooth damage and loss.

Common Signs of Dental Infections

Pain can occur in both the tooth and in the gums.

Swelling around the tooth and in the gums

Redness and irritation in the gums

Pus drainage and bleeding around the tooth and in the gums


Foul breath

If you notice any of these signs of infection, you need to make a dental appointment right away. With prompt treatment, the infection can be healed so it does not spread to other areas of your body, specifically the heart. There are different methods your Dentist Heber Springs may employ to help you get rid of your oral infection. The type of treatment will depend on what kind of infection you have and how far it has advanced.

How Does the Dentist Treat Oral Infections?

If the infection is in the tooth, it is called an abscess. The dentist will typically need to perform a root canal when the infection has spread deep within the tooth and is affecting the root structures. A root canal removes all of the diseased tissue and allows the dentist to pack the tooth with medication, stopping the infection in its tracks. This often prevents tooth loss and the spread of infection to other teeth.

When an infection is in the gums, the dentist will sometimes remove the diseased gum tissue and swelling through laser therapy. This reduces the swelling and inflammation in the gums and allows the pockets of infection to be reduced and then treated with oral antibiotics. It can take time to bring this type of infection under control, but with continued therapy, many are able to find relief.

If you suspect you may have an infection, contact the office of Jason T Bolding DDS. Not only can he treat you for the infection, but he can also provide many different dental services, so your smile stays healthy.

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