What is sedation dentistry?
Sedation dentistry in Leesburg involves the use of medication to help you relax. Also known as sleep dentistry, this procedure involves administering a sedative to help patients relax. Depending on your fear or anxiety level, you may need to be put under general anesthesia.
Reasons to try the procedure
There are plenty of reasons to choose this treatment. If you suffer from a condition that makes it difficult for you to keep still throughout a dental procedure like a root canal or deep-teeth cleaning, then let your dentist use a sedative to help you relax. That’s going to make the treatment proceed much faster and without any problems. Sedation is also a good option for those who suffer from dental fear or anxiety. If you need to undergo a long dental process and you only have one session to get all the work done, that could lead to a lot of discomfort or tension. Putting you under sedation or anesthesia will help you get through that with ease.
How to choose a dentist?
Look for a dental care provider with considerable experience in Sedation Dentistry in Leesburg. Someone with the training and expertise can carry this out safely and will ensure successful treatment results.
Are you comfortable?
Credentials are good but consider the way the dentist treats you. Are you at ease or do you feel uncomfortable? Does the dentist listen to your concerns or do they brush them aside?
Other considerations to know
Consider the location of the clinic and office hours. Is it easy enough to access? Is it near enough? How long will the travel time take? Do the office hours work with your schedule? Find out.
Get treated with a professional. To consult a dental care provider about sedation dentistry in Leesburg, contact Cascades Center for Dental Health at 703-774-3205.