Automobile accidents create stress, worry, and confusion. If you have been in an accident that has caused you to miss work/income and you incurred physical injury and property damage, it is important to know where to turn for help. You cannot count on the negligent party or the insurance coverage to provide you with an ample settlement to compensate you for these damages.
A Car Accident Lawyer in New London, CT can help negotiate and get you a suitable financial settlement and help reduce your stress, worry, and confusion. If you are considering speaking with an attorney, here are some questions to ask them.
What are your fees?
This is the number one question most people ask because they are concerned with what they will have to come up with to pay a lawyer. First of all, the lawyer is probably going to give you a free consultation at no risk or obligation on your part. Second, if they accept your case, they do so on a contingency basis. That means you do not pay them upfront fees. They take a percentage of what they win for you. You only pay if they win a settlement.
Who pays the court fees?
Ultimately, you will be responsible for any court fees incurred where applicable. If the case is settled out of court, there will be no court fees, but there will be filing fees. When the lawyer covers these costs, those expenses will come out of your settlement.
Do you have a claim?
Finding out if you have a claim against a negligent party for damages is actually a primary priority question to ask a lawyer. You will have to provide the lawyer with ample information so he or she can determine if you have a case. If you do, they are likely to accept your case if you want to use them.
How long will you have to wait?
The answer to this question will vary since each case is different. Some cases are closed and settled in a few weeks, while others may last for five years or longer.
You will also need to address other concerns like knowing when to settle and when to sue. Your Car Accident Lawyer in New London, CT will be able to answer all your questions within reason and address your concerns. Stephen M Reck is an attorney at law who provides free consultations and quality representation.