Organizing Kitchen Cabinets

by | Apr 17, 2013 | Kitchen and Bath

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Kitchen cabinets could be your best friend or may be your worst enemy. When you open your cabinet, does an endless avalanche of Tupperware fall out? Or does it take you an embarrassingly long time to find a coffee mug for your guest. Maybe it is time to organize. There is a difference between organizing and thoughtful organizing; the latter will help prevent clutter.

If you put in the extra time and effort now, you will save a lot of time and hassle later on. Organizing is a simple thing that could make your life a little easier.

Although it may be tempting to organize by just moving stuff around your full cabinets, take the time to remove all of the items before you begin organizing. This step serves two purposes. First, you can wipe down the cabinets and apply new cabinet lining. Second, you can go throw all of your items and decide if there are any you can get rid of, either by throwing them away or donating them. You may be surprised at what you find, and you may be able to free up some space.

After your cabinets are prepped, plan where you are going to place things. Think logically. Place items that you use in conjunction with the stove, close to the stove. This could be things like pots, pans, cutting boards, and spices. Place mugs, glasses, and dishes near the sink and dishwasher. If there are items that you only use during certain times of the year, like cookie cutters or barbeque sets, you could pack them away to free up more space. In order to properly pack your cabinets, you need to steer away from overcrowding. If you need more space, find a kitchen cabinets Orange County, CA company to upgrade your kitchen.

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