The Need For Heating Contractors in Wichita

by | Nov 19, 2013 | Heating & Air conditioning

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There are lots of effective methods to save on home heating costs. Some home owners in Wichita choose to make use of space heaters to warm up the rooms they are using at a specific time. Others opt to lower their thermostat’s temperature and snuggle up in a blanket to stay warm. Even though you can save on heating bills by using these techniques, they will certainly not give you a warm and comfortable home. If you are looking for both comfort and savings, get in touch with a certified heating contractor today. Continue reading to find out how Heating Contractors Wichita can help you.

To increase your home’s energy efficiency, it is important that all air leak sources are sealed. This will help prevent cold winter air from entering your home. Wichita HVAC contractors are aware that air sealing is extremely important with regard to decreasing energy costs. Aside from sealing sources of air leaks, heating and cooling service contractors can also help improve your home’s insulation. It makes little sense to spend large sums of money to warm your house during the winter, only for the heated air to escape to the outside of the house or into the attic. Certified Heating Contractors can come to your house to determine its present insulation R-value (heat flow resistance). If your house does not measure up, the contractor can recommend where you require additional or new insulation.

Fixing leaking air ducts is another important step to increasing your home’s energy efficiency. Are you aware that leaky duct work can reduce your heating system’s efficiency by thirty percent? Rather than getting all the heated air your furnace supplies, you are only getting seventy percent of it. You are not only losing a great deal of heat, but you are wasting a great deal of money on warm air as well. A heating contractor can fix your duct work so that all the air coming from your heating system can get to its target destination. Cooling and heating accounts for approximately fifty percent of the average Wichita home owner’s energy costs. Instead of continuing to spend large sums of money to warm up an inefficient house, let Heating Contractors Wichita help make your house more energy efficient and comfortable during those chilly winter months.

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