Natural Carbonation or Forced Carbonation?

by | Apr 20, 2015 | Business

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Beer connoisseurs will concur, the light sting of carbonation on the tongue is a major part of the appeal in a fine quality beer. There are two methods used to achieve the optimum beer carbonation in these beverages and they are natural carbonation and forced carbonation. Achieving the perfect balance is required to avoid production of a flat beer or over-carbonated bottles that explode when you open them.

Natural Carbonation

Natural beer carbonation involves retaining the yeast in the beer. Sugar added to the beer and then sealing of the container begins a fermentation process. The yeast action is stimulated by the sugar. CO2 is released during the yeast action and dispersed through the beer.

Pros and Cons of Natural Beer Carbonation

This process can be less expensive than forced carbonation methods. The appearance of the beer is not as attractive as the forced method as a layer of yeast will still lie on the bottom of the container. The head is richer, and for better or worse, there is generally more of a yeast flavor to naturally carbonated beer. This can be a plus if you enjoy the flavor and a con if you don’t.

Forced Beer Carbonation

This method requires beer to be placed into a container with the high pressure addition of CO2. The CO2 absorbs into the liquid quickly and the containers are sealed.

Pros and Cons of Forced Carbonation

Most breweries prefer this method of beer carbonation. It allows for a faster turnaround time for production and for a cleaner and clearer product. There is no yeast remaining in the bottom of the bottle. The flavor does not have the sting of yeast as found in beer carbonated with the natural method. This method produces a more attractive beer with an adequate head and effervescence, and a cleaner flavor.

Quality Equipment for Beer Carbonation

Using the right equipment is a must for achieving the optimum balance of carbonation in beer. Each step of the brewing process must be performed with precision to achieve the best flavor and drinking experience. Several processes go into making the perfect beer including inline carbonation, deaeration and inline blending to ensure that all ingredients are properly mixed at the right times. Techniblend Inc. has been serving the beverage industry with high quality technologies, services and products with world class solutions. For more information from the beer carbonation experts, contact them at Techniblend Inc.

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