Myth & Misconceptions about Tin Ceiling Tile Long Island NY Installation

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Construction & Maintanance

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There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the pros and cons of opting for tin ceilings for homes and offices. Don’t make the mistake of rejecting this option on the basis of myths or incorrect information. Click here for more details.

A very common misconception is that tin ceilings went out of fashion because of the health risks involved in installing metal tiles in homes. There is absolutely no health risk involved in usage of metal in your home. This option became less common due to changing tastes, affordability of plaster ceilings, and the harmful of use of lead paint on these ceilings. Today, lead is no longer used in paints. So, going in for a painted metal ceiling in your home poses absolutely no risks whatsoever.

Another myth is that tin ceilings cannot be installed as a false ceiling. The false ceiling provides space between the roof and the ceiling for installation of ducts. Just contact a professional firm specializing in installation of false metal ceilings to ensure the space above the ceiling remains accessible. You will just have to remove a few tiles to access the space above the ceiling.

Another misconception about tin ceilings is that it would be impossible to replace patterned tiles that are no longer available in the market. A professional Tin Ceiling Tile Long Island NY restoration firm will use a good quality tile to prepare a mold and manufacture replacement tiles for your ceiling. Or, you can choose to dispose the metal tiles and opt for newer, cheaper, and more stylish tiles for your ceiling. In any case, this investment will not go waste just because a few designs are no longer available in the market.

Finally, it is incorrect to say that metal tiles pose an electric risk for your house. Metal is a good conductor of electricity but you can make use of safety devices or opt for placement of non-conducting rubber sheets or beadings to minimize this risk. Make sure you understand the real picture by seeking advice of Tin Ceiling Tile Long Island NY installation firms like Abingdon Construction Long Island NY before taking a decision on installation of tin ceiling in your home.

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