Maximize Fuel Efficiency with High-Quality Chevy Diesel Truck Parts

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Automotive

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Maximizing fuel efficiency is always a top priority with diesel trucks. There are several ways to accomplish this, such as regular maintenance. However, with certain modifications, diesel trucks can run not only smoother and longer but use less fuel as well. Chevy diesel truck parts offer owners a way to optimize their truck for durability and fuel efficiency.

Most Common Modification for Best Fuel Efficiency Include:

1. High-Flow Air Filter and Exhaust System Upgrade

Many diesel truck owners will find their vehicle in need of an upgrade of their exhaust system and air filter due to rust and age. This is especially true where trucks use salted roads regularly. If the diesel truck is no longer running efficiently, even after its normal tune-up, owners can visually inspect their exhaust systems for rust, wear, and damage. High-flow exhaust and air filter upgrades allow for best fuel efficiency and have a long life expectancy.

2. Purchase the Correct Tires

Purchasing the correct diesel truck parts, such as tires, allows the owner to receive the best fuel efficiency as possible. It is recommended to use all-weather tires when residing in non-severe winter climates. If snow tires are needed in the area, owners increase their safety while driving on the road and save on wear and tear.
Gas mileage can be affected by approximately 10% by tires, which is why maintaining the correct pressure is important as well. It is advised to check tire pressure regularly to ensure proper tire pressure at all times.

3. Spark Plug Monitoring

Spark plugs should be changed at 60,000 miles for owners of platinum or iridium plugs. For copper plugs, every 7,000 miles or once per year is recommended.

Inspect the spark plugs at least one time per year, even when changing is not necessary. If they are noticeably discolored, this can indicate an engine which is running lean or rich. In either case, it is advised to check the O2 sensor as well.

Purchasing high-quality Chevy diesel truck parts is essential for any modification, including fuel efficiency upgrade. Also, to receive the most out of an efficiency upgrade, be sure to always use high-quality fuel. Follow us on twitter.

Save money by purchasing your Chevy diesel trucks parts online to receive the best gas mileage possible.

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