Lawn Care in McLean, VA and Mistakes a Homeowner Needs to Avoid

by | May 4, 2018 | Landscaping

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Taking care of a home’s lawn is no easy job. Over time, a homeowner will get used to what their lawn needs to grow and prosper. In some cases, a homeowner may want to hire a Lawn Care in McLean VA service to help them with this work.

If a homeowner does not have the time or tools to get this work done, paying a professional is a good idea. Homeowners who want to handle this work on their own will need to be aware of lawn care mistakes to avoid. The following are just some of the mistakes a homeowner needs to avoid at all costs.

Cutting Grass Too Short

Most homeowners cut their lawns on a weekly basis without much thought. When performing this task, a person will need to take the time to set their blades at the appropriate height. Cutting the grass too low can lead to problems with bare spots and even disease.

Leaving grass longer can help it process light and water better. Over time, the grass will develop a stronger root system. Taking the time to trim the grass to the proper length will allow a homeowner to get the lush and green lawn they desire.

Bagging Lawn Clippings

One of the most common misconceptions homeowners have is that they need to bag their grass clippings. The truth is that leaving these clippings behind can be better for a home’s lawn. Basically, these clippings act as a fertilizer for the lawn and help it grow.

Professionals in the lawn care business maintain the leaving clippings on freshly cut grass adds more nitrogen. This increased amount of nitrogen can help a homeowner keep their lawn healthy for years to come. With the guidance of a lawn care professional, it will be much easier for a homeowner to avoid these vital mistakes.

When trying to find the right Lawn Care in McLean VA company to hire, a homeowner needs to find out more about the experience the providers have. At Premier Turf Farms, a homeowner will be able to get the help they need. Visit the Contact us section of their website to find out more about this company.

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