The Insidious Nature of Asbestos

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Home Improvement

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One of the major issues confronting any instance when asbestos removal in London is required is the very ubiquitous nature of asbestos itself. Due to the simple fact that this material was used for well over two centuries in many different structures, it is found (and likely will be found for centuries into the future) in numerous different locations. This is one of the primary reasons as to why its removal is so very important for the health and welfare of those around us. So, what are some of the primary locations where it can be found? Let’s take a closer look at this important question.

Public Buildings

Naturally, larger structures are more likely to house asbestos within their confines. Some of the most common locations will be around pipes as a form of insulation. While some of these pipes will naturally be in sealed-off areas, other can be exposed. In fact, there are many times when these structures are in plain sight; around hot water feeds to radiators and overhead pipes even in classrooms. So, it is obvious that such situations need to be remedied as soon as they are discovered.

Industrial Plants

London was (and still is) an industrial powerhouse. So, asbestos removal in London will also centre around buildings that were and are still used as industrial production locations. It can be found in everything from the aforementioned heating roles to textiles, fire blankets, tiles and roofing materials. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to identify what may very well be asbestos and separate its threat from safer materials. It is for this reason that only trained experts need to be used in such circumstances. This is especially important in high-traffic areas such as those found within an industrial zone. The more movement in a certain location, the more likely it is that any old asbestos will become dislodged and potentially enter into a work atmosphere. Therefore, asbestos removal in London will focus heavily upon these types of locations.


There is a myth that asbestos was confined only to larger buildings and industrial centres. On the contrary, it was used just as readily in average homes. This perhaps poses the greatest risk, for families can be exposed to dangerous airborne levels for long periods of time (even years or decades in some cases). Such constant exposure vastly increases the chances of developing chronic pulmonary and health problems.

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