Since the beginning of time man has tried to find new ways to innovate weapons and make them easier to hide and disguise on your person. A huge innovation in this was the sword cane, this walking aid also seconds as a razor sharp sword that can be used for different utilities and defense in multiple situations. There are multiple options that make custom sword canes a possibility to make them suit whoever is using them. For example, for an elder walking late at night there are options to make a blade come out of the edge of a cane at the press of a button, this is great for small animals or scaring off anyone who may be trying to take advantage of the late night hours.
Different Uses for Sword Canes
You may wonder why weapons canes could be a good idea for people, well the fact is that a sword does not necessarily even have to be something defensive or offensive, its simply a great tool to have in general. For example, say you are out on a hike and you get lost in a very thick bushy area with no way to get out; having a sword readily available will allow you to make your way out of the area quickly so you do not get lost overnight when things can really get dangerous.
Also, keep in mind that hiking you never know what will happen so having that back up weapon could never hurt. Furthermore, it is also a fully functional Irish walking stick so you can easily use it to support yourself and last longer on hikes through the woods. Hiking is a great way to get fit and keep yourself in good health.
Find Out How You Can Get a Sword Cane
Go online today and take a look through the various options custom sword canes are available in. Once you look into it you will see this a great option when looking into canes for yourself or a loved one. They can also make for great items for cane collectors.