How to File Bail Bonds in Franklin, LA

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Bail Bonds

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The bail amount is set by a judge after a person is arrested. Bail is usually payable to the courts and serves as a guarantee that the person who has been arrested will show up for all future hearings and trial dates. If the judge feels that the accused is going to escape or might try and run away, they may request the authorities to take the accused into custody. The accused will have to spend time in a jail while the case reaches its conclusion. However, if a bail amount can be paid to the courts as a guarantee, the accused is let go. Unfortunately, most people have difficulty in posting the cash bail, because the amount is usually so high. A better option would be to file bail bonds in Franklin, LA. Here is a brief guide for filing a bail bond.

Contact a Bail Bonds Company

The first thing you need to do is contact a local company that specializes in posting bail bonds. A reputable company such as Foulcard Bail Bonds, can post the bail on your behalf within a short period of time. The company has a considerable amount of expertise and experience in posting bail for its clients. They charge a pretty small commission for their services and make sure that the accused is released early from jail.

Posting the Bail

When you first contact a company that specializes in posting bail bonds, they are going to ask about the case and any important details that you might want to share. It’s important that you provide all relevant details as necessary so that the company can post the bail on your behalf. These are just a few things that you should know about posting the bail.

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