How does a salt spreader work?

by | Oct 1, 2013 | Snow Clearing

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A salt spreader works the same as a fertilizer spreader. The salt enters a conical shaped hopper; at the bottom of the hopper is a rotating plate which is driven by some mechanical means. As the salt falls onto the plate it is cast and disbursed. There are versions that can be used around the home as well as commercial versions which are fitted to the rear of large dump trucks. In either case, the salt is spread on icy and slippery surfaces. Salt is commonly spread on parking lots, city streets and highways and residential walks and driveways. Commercial operators who offer Snow Removal Summit County CO often offer this service at an additional cost to straight snow plowing.

Any airport that is located in a part of the world that sees snow on an annual basis has huge snow removal equipment to keep the runways clear. As salt can be damaging to the skin of an airplane, a potassium based runway deicer is spread instead. Clearing the runway of ice is very important as it may increase the stopping distance of the plane to the point where it runs off the end of the runway.

When salt is spread on a highway, although it is wide cast by the spreader, the salt travels even farther as it is spread by the vehicles on the road. The tire treads can pick up the salt grains and deposit them as the vehicle travels. This helps tremendously in keeping the amount of salt used to the minimum. Modern cars are given a thorough body undercoat during manufacture but keeping the salt to a minimum helps to extend the life of the car.

Instead of granular salt, snow removal in Summit County CO can also be accomplished with liquid chloride or brine. This material is spread by using machines that lay down a few streams of the brine and letting the tires of the vehicles using the road do the spreading. This is seen by some to be a superior method of removing ice and snow. It has been found that liquid sugar is also effective in removing ice and as it can be refined from local sources it is often less expensive than salt which may have to travel miles to where it will be used.

The Plowmaster at Alpine Ventures is the man you want to call for snow removal in Summit County CO. With 30 years experience in plowing snow in the county, no one knows the weather better.

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