General Dentistry in Surprise AZ and the Steps to a Perfect Smile

by | Mar 6, 2023 | Dentistry

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Prevention is a very important part of every General Dentistry in Surprise AZ. There are ways that you, as the patient, can ensure good overall oral health. Brushing and flossing every day, eating the right foods, and not smoking are just a few. Here are five major steps to a perfect smile:

* Ensure good oral hygiene – Oral hygiene is essential for a perfect smile. It is very important to use proper dental floss, a toothbrush of good quality, and a toothpaste with fluoride. It is recommended to regularly use a mouthwash, which helps prevent gingivitis. Going to the dentist twice a year is also very important.

* Treat decayed teeth and replace old fillings or crowns – Dentists can treat decayed teeth, depending on the extent of degradation, by placing an inlay or by applying a crown or bridge. If you have old amalgam fillings, it is recommended to replace them with composite fillings. Old enamel crowns and bridges can crack, and receding gums may occur. This can be very annoying when you talk or smile. You should contact your local General Dentistry in Surprise AZ if you have any of these issues.

* Replace missing teeth – Replacing missing teeth should be done as soon as possible. Besides aesthetic problems, missing teeth can cause problems with digestion. This is because food cannot be chewed properly. Adjacent missing teeth can shift, and lean towards the gap. Missing teeth can be replaced by implants, bridges, and dentures. Contacting your local dentist can help you examine any options.

* Whiten teeth – If you are not satisfied with the color of your teeth, you can whiten them. Dentists use hydrogen peroxide with LED lamps to brighten smiles. You can be in and out of the clinic in about an hour and a half. With bleaching, your teeth can be a few shades lighter in just a matter of hours.

* Contact your local dental clinic – Take the first step and find out what treatments interest you. Dentists are at your disposal to provide clarification on any questions. You can make an appointment for a consultation or call during regular business hours.

For more information about these options, contact West Bell Dental Care for General Dentistry in Surprise AZ today.

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