Finding an Emergency Dentist in Oceanside, CA

by | Nov 13, 2013 | Dental Services

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Dental problems are serious concerns that shouldn’t be taken lightly. After all, who wants to be felled by a tooth problem in the middle of a busy day -; or an important business meeting? What if you are traveling to attend a business conference and suddenly a toothache blots everything else from your mind? These concerns and the prospect of real inconvenience should drive you to pay attention to your dental health and to learn how to ask for help in case your teeth act up at the most inconvenient time. A good strategy to take is to always maintain a couple of dentists’ names in your area that you know and trust so that you can contact one in an emergency. But, while having contacts is nice, it’s more important to first assess your situation and then determine whether the problem really needs emergency care -; or if it can wait until you can see your regular dentist.
There are some basic rules of thumb which you can use. If the toothache is so painful that nothing (ice, OTC (over the counter) medications) controls it, and you can’t sleep because of its severity, then that’s the time to call for help.
You’ll also need the services of the dentist if your mouth strikes something or you fall, and a tooth is knocked out completely. In that case, it is important to see a dentist as quickly as possible since in some cases the tooth can be “re-set” in your jaw. You should immediately try to replace the tooth and then call your dentist. If you can’t replace the tooth, then the next best thing is to wrap it in plastic cling wrap or store it in milk or normal saline (salt) solution. After doing that, call your dentist immediately. By the way, don’t try to scrub or clean the tooth, handle it by its root or allow it to dry out. Doing any of those things will reduce the chance of being able to restore the tooth to its socket.
Dr. George Braithwaite at is an Emergency Dentist in Oceanside, CA who specializes in caring for dental emergencies, as well as standard, quality dental services. Contact his office at Vista Family Dental  with questions or concerns you may have regarding pain or other severe dental conditions.

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