How to Find the Best Doggie Daycare in Bowie

by | Feb 6, 2014 | Veterinary

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If you work long hours or take frequent short business trips in Bowie, doggie daycare can be a great way to keep your pooch happy and entertained while you’re away. However, it’s important to find Doggie daycare in Bowie that will provide a stimulating and safe environment for your dog. If you’re trying to decide on short-term boarding for your dog, keep reading to learn exactly what you should look for.

Veterinary Staff on Hand

To keep your dog safe, it’s important that the daycare center you choose has veterinary staff on the premises at all times. In the event of an emergency, prompt medical treatment can literally save your dog’s life. Look for a center that keeps a licensed vet as part of its full-time staff. Some daycare services near Bowie, like Gambrills Veterinary Center, even have full-service animal hospitals on site.

Frequent Outdoor Access

Most dogs need frequent exercise, so you’ll want to choose a center that provides dogs with plenty of time to roam and play outdoors. Ideally, this outdoor time should extend beyond bathroom breaks. Dogs should be given an ample, fenced-in yard for play time or exercise sessions with staff supervision in case of fighting, injury or escape attempts.

Experienced and Sufficient Staff

A good Doggie daycare in Bowie will employ a staff that is both experienced and knowledgeable about how to handle dogs. Ideally, the staff should be comprised of licensed dog trainers, animal behaviorists or veterinarians. At the very least, all staff members should have received ample training on dog behavior and what to do in case of emergencies. The size of the staff is important as well. According to the ASPCA, there should be at least one staff member present for every 10-15 dogs at the daycare.

Cleanliness of the Facility

To keep your dog healthy, make sure that the daycare you’re considering has high standards of cleanliness. Centers that aren’t kept clean enough can increase the risk your dog will get ill after being in close quarters with so many other dogs. Make sure all kennels and play areas are cleaned and sanitized once or twice each day, and make sure there’s adequate ventilation to prevent the spread of illness or disease.

Doggie daycare can be an enriching experience for your dog. Keep the tips above in mind when you’re choosing a facility to make sure your dog is safe and happy while you’re away.

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