A Divorce Attorney in Omaha, NE, Helps Both Spouses Exit the Marriage

by | Oct 4, 2013 | Law

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Divorce can go one of two ways: amicably or adversarial. It all comes down to how both individuals view the dissolution of the marriage. Sometimes, both partners decide that the marriage is over and there’s no need to make it into an emotional event. Others react emotionally and take the line of reasoning that they have to take the other spouse to the cleaners. Whatever the situation is, it’s always best to retain a Divorce Attorney in Omaha, NE for assistance in order to ensure that rights are protected and laws are observed.

The term “marriage is a contract” is true in both a literary and legal sense. When the license to marry was obtained, the state was informed that two individuals have plans to join their estates together and live as one. Thus, a contract has been entered into. When a divorce is initiated, state laws play a role in the division of the assets. One spouse may have rights to earnings that the other spouse gained during the marriage. It’s best to talk to a Divorce Attorney in Omaha, NE, about how the laws are going to affect the dissolution, and what one spouse can expect from the other.

When the divorce is amicable, the laws still apply, unless both spouses sign off on an agreement to not lay claim to the other’s assets. A contract such as this can be written up by a law office such as Gnuse and Green Law Offices P.C. Essentially, both parties are making a decision to exit the marriage as quietly as possible with the least amount of fuss while leaving each other as whole as possible. It’s much more difficult to dissolve a marriage when one or both parties decides to take an aggressive stance and try to go after the other for everything they’ve got.

Divorce can be a complicated process that takes time to complete. Assets have to be listed, both parties have to agree on what they are taking, and child custody has to be settled when there are children from the marriage. It’s best to work with a lawyer to make sure that everyone acts accordingly in order to get through the process intact.

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