Deep house cleaning in Spring requires a house owner to take note of a lot of things. Deep house cleaning is different from standard house cleaning. It refers to cleaning each and every aspect of the house. When it’s completed, there is not a tiny speck of dust flying around the house. A lot of effort is required to deep clean a single house. Because of this, most house owners don’t engage in deep cleaning their home by themselves. Instead, they hire professional companies that offer deep house cleaning in Spring. Such companies offer different packages, ranging from affordable options (under $150) to more expensive ones (more than $400). The prices are not fixed. They tend to vary depending upon the size of the household. Most companies offer a quote before beginning work.
When calling a company for deep house cleaning in Spring, a number of important things must be noted. The customer would want to ensure that they get maximum benefits for their money. This is a checklist of the services provided by a company that offers professional deep cleaning services.
The Bathroom
Each and every item in the bathroom is cleaned thoroughly. Afterwards, all chrome fixtures are polished too (optional). The trash is removed and the waste baskets are sanitized. The workers clean the showers, and spray disinfectant on them. The shower door is also cleaned properly. The cleaners also wash the floor and spray disinfectant on it. They also vacuum all the carpets and rugs.
Any signs of mildew are thoroughly removed from the bathroom. If the bathroom is tiled, company workers use special cleaners to scrub the tiles clean. All the dirt and grime that gets lodged between the tile grouting is also cleaned.
Living and Sleeping Areas
Deep house cleaning in Spring provides a lot of additional benefits as compared to standard house cleaning. For instance, the company workers make the beds, clean then and then vacuum underneath. The cleaners also pay special attention to all the furniture in the sleeping and living areas. The ceiling fan is dusted and wiped clean as well. Workers dust all the portraits and picture frames on the walls, and wipe the walls clean as well. The window sills are cleaned, and the upholstery is vacuumed. These benefits are not provided in standard house cleaning services.
The Kitchen
The range and the oven are cleaned thoroughly. Every item in the refrigerator is taken out carefully, and the refrigerator is cleaned from the inside. Workers clean all surfaces in the kitchen and wipe down all appliances. All the sinks and counter tops are cleaned as well. The cabinets are washed, and the chrome handles are polished.