How to choose an Agent in Costa Rica

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Real Estate

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If you purchase residential real estate in Costa Rica you will want an agent. An agent will be your guide through the process and it is important to pick the right one. Though purchasing property in Costa Rica is similar to the US, having an agent will provide security.

Before you decide on an agent, find out if they live in the area where you will be making your purchase. Do they own a home themselves? Having an agent that knows nothing about the local market will hinder you. If the agent cannot advise you on local issues, lifestyle or deals then it is best to find somebody who can.

Of course hiring an agent with a good reputation is important. The best way to do this is to ask around. Communities in Costa Rica are generally pretty small, so getting the name of a trusted, helpful, experienced real estate agent should not be a hard task. Plus, you will get to meet some locals while doing this!

In Costa Rica real estate agents are unregulated for the most part. You will want to know if the agent is a member of an association. There are three different ones, including the National Association of Realtors (NAR). There is also the Costa Rican Guanacaste Association of Real Estate (CRGAR) or the Costa Rican Real Estate Association (CCBR). If your agent is not a member of at least one of these associations, then that should be a red flag to you and finding another agent is recommended.

Do not be afraid to ask your agent questions. This will help determine if he/she is a good match for you. How long have you been in business? What properties do you generally sell? How will we communicate with each other? Is residential real estate in Costa Rica your niche? Any question you have is a valid one and the agent should be willing to answer you!

Also remember; a lawyer to represent you during this process is important. Have your lawyer check the property title in the central registry. A lawyer should also help you with any other business related to your purchase, opening a bank account and anything else you may need help with.

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