Preparing for your newborn can really make you both nervous and excited at the same time. There are over a dozen of things to keep in mind during the preparation like getting the crib ready, stocking up on diapers, and loading up the baby’s closets with practical baby clothing.
Stocking up on baby clothing is just as important as having various baby equipments at the ready like strollers, car seats, and cribs. The problem that most people have is that they have no clue on the appropriate baby clothing for a newborn and how many pieces of each kind of clothing is needed. Technically, there is no fixed requirement as to what and how many pieces of baby clothing that should be ready but based on what most of the more experienced mothers recommend here are some of the essentials with regards to newborn baby clothing.
- Onesies. Onesies or one-piece baby clothing is one of the most important articles of clothing that you will want to have stocked. Onesies are practical and comfortable especially if these are made of 100 percent cotton. Many mothers recommend that you stock your baby’s drawers with at least 20 pieces of this kind of clothing. 10 pieces should be plain onesies used as a sort of underwear worn beneath the main clothing. 10 pieces should more elaborately designed and suited for wearing as the primary piece of clothing.
- Sleepers. This kind of baby clothing is a necessity since your baby will be more comfortable and warm wearing a one-piece sleeper. These are appropriate for the first several weeks of a newborn. 10 pieces of this kind of clothing should be ready and waiting.
- Gowns. Baby gowns are fantastic clothing for a newborn baby since it makes it easier for mothers to change the diapers when needed. These would be perfect for babies to wear for the first 3 to 6 weeks. It is recommended to have around 5 pieces of this kind of clothing.
- Bibs. Bibs are a necessity to prevent drool and spit reaching the baby’s clothing. Let’s face it, babies will most of the time spew food and saliva during feeding time. Bibs will catch the unwanted splatter and prevent undesirable stains on the baby’s clothes. 5 to 10 pieces should suffice.
- Burp cloths. Vomiting is regular for infants after feeding. Normally, you will want to let them burp after feeding to ensure the food stays down in their stomachs and not on your clothes. However, if you want to be sure, make sure that you have a large number of burp clothes that you can use to line your shoulder as you encourage the baby to burp.
- Socks. This is another necessity which can protect the baby’s extremities from the cold. 5 to 10 pairs should suffice. Don’t worry. You will probably receive pairs of socks as gifts during the baby shower.
- Hats. Baby hats are useful to protect the baby’s head from the elements when you are outside the house. This will protect him from the harsh rays of the sun and the cold breeze at night. Stock around 2 to 3 pieces to be sure you have enough.
- Mittens. Any parent will want to protect their baby’s hands and prevent accidental scratches on the baby’s skin. Mittens will solve these problems. Make sure to get 100 percent cotton mittens for maximum comfort and warmth. 2 to 3 pairs should suffice.
Every newborn will have different needs depending on the environment they are in and the habits they develop. On this note, these essentials will need to be adjusted on your side to adapt to his needs. Nevertheless, it would be wise to use this list of baby essentials as a guide to prepare the clothing your baby will need as he enters the world.