How to Activate Your Prophetic Blessing

by | Dec 17, 2013 | Religion

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When you receive a free word of prophecy, there are certain things that you have to do in order to bring that word into your existence. God expects you to act on faith to receive all that He has in store for you. This means that it’s not enough to simply hear the word of God, but you have to do something in order to see those blessings and prophecies manifest into your life. Here are a few ways to activate your prophetic blessing.

Speak the Words Over Your Life

If you believe the word of God, then you will repeat it. When you receive a free word of prophecy, you have to speak that word over your life. This mean to confess it from your mouth and believe it with your heart. God said that faith without works is dead, and the first work that you need to do is speak the word that was given to you.

Make an Offing to God

God moves when you move, and going into covenant with Him is a great way to show that you’re serious and desire to walk in His ways. When you do this, you’re asking God to show up and show out in your life. You’re asking him to activate the word that he delivered through his prophet. The sooner you make covenant with God, the sooner you can start to receive your blessings, and have the wisdom and knowledge that you need to live a spiritually healthy life. Your offering is your sacrifice to begin activating your prophetic word immediately.

Have an Abundance of Faith

If you have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. So what happens when you have an abundance of faith? You receive an abundance of blessings. When you believe in your prophetic word wholeheartedly, you believe that God has spoken, and that He will keep his word. You believe that the Power of God is alive and moving in your life even though you can’t see it.

You can receive a free word of prophecy and forever change your life. You don’t have to wait until your boss decides to give you a raise. You don’t have to wait until the pastor decides to notice how hard you work. When you seek the Word of God and receive it through a Prophet of the Lord, you bypass all of man’s laws and walk in the light and authority of the Almighty.

You have the power to change your life and the lives of those around you through a free word of prophecy. Log on to Domain and learn how to activate your prophetic blessing and receive all that God has for you in your future.

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