Glaucoma is a frustrating eye disease because it rarely provides any blatant symptoms in the early and middle stages. This is why professionals recommend getting a glaucoma test at age 40. It also does not discriminate. Individuals with perfect vision can have glaucoma just as often as individuals that have had glasses or contact lenses since they were in their teens or childhood.
The Eye Exams in Laurel MS will review for glaucoma in all its stages through a handful of relatively minor tests. The tests are covered below and will hopefully provide some comfort to anyone facing the age to get the test done or any concerns that glaucoma is developing.
Tonometry is a distinguished way of saying one is testing for eye pressures. The focus is on the optic nerve, which is the root area of concern in glaucoma. The test involves a puff of air that is placed right into the eyes. It is subtle and will not hurt at all. The test is determining how pressured the optic nerve is from this puff of direct air. The test reviews its resistance to the air. A high eye pressure may indicate underlying glaucoma. Unfortunately, this test is not full enough to indicate a diagnosis one way or the other.
Pupil Tests
This leads into a test involving the pupil. Pupil dilation is necessary to bring out more of the eyes’ internals. The process takes 30 minutes to take effect. This will lead into a serious of Eye Exams in Laurel MS that do not touch the eye at all. The doctors will review and analyze the contents of the eye to see if they suspect any activity that could indicate glaucoma.
These tests are as minimal and non-invasive as possible. They will help patients feel comfortable knowing one way or the other where they stand with this nefarious disease. These are just two exams, but there are a handful of others, such as advanced retinal reviews and field vision tests. Contact us to ease the spirits and get set on the right track with eye health.