Why to Buy a Small Chicken Coop in Ohio

by | Nov 30, 2015 | Furniture

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Whether you are thinking about picking up farming, or you just want to have fresh eggs every day, you should look into buying a small chicken coop in Ohio. Keeping chickens around has a lot of benefits for you financially. Your garden and your kitchen table will both be enhanced by the presence of chickens in your backyard. In many cities, ordinances prevent chickens from being out and about, but you might be allowed to keep them in a coop as long as it has solid walls.


Your garden will benefit from a chicken coop for a variety of reasons. When you have chickens around, you have to feed them. That goes without saying. However, chickens will eat just about anything as long as it’s organic. Many people find that they no longer need a compost pile when they have chickens. The vegetable scraps that would normally get mixed into the compost pile just go into the chicken coop. The chickens eat the vegetables, and their manure comes out as a nutrient-rich mixture. Depending on the application, you can sometimes apply the chicken manure directly to your garden. However, if you want to make the nutrients bio-available to the plants and avoid a root burn, you should still compost them. Manure composts much faster than raw vegetables though. So, not only will you be keeping your chickens fed with a very low-cost option, since you were going to throw the vegetables away anyway, you are creating a quick nutrient-rich compost. You can use that compost to grow bigger, healthier vegetables. Then, after you eat those vegetables, you can feed the scraps to your chickens and start the process all over again. That’s the glory of keeping a small chicken coop. Nature loves a cycle, and you just need to know how to take part in it.


Many coops can house hundreds of chickens, but if you want a small farming operation or a backyard coop, you should look into a small one. Many of the small ones can keep about thirty chickens. Depending on how many people you have eating breakfast each day, you might go through a lot of eggs. Four or five people could easily go through a dozen eggs a day. At four or five dollars a dozen, you can spend $35 a week on eggs alone.

However, if you have a small chicken coop in Ohio, you can house up to thirty chickens. Depending on the chicken, they can lay eggs every day or every few days. Whatever the case may be, you could end up with fifteen or so eggs every day. That means you’ll save $35 a week on eggs. You can make back the cost of the coop in just a few weeks.

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