A Plumber in Burbank Can Unclog Drains and Repair Hot Water Heaters

by | May 14, 2013 | Plumbing

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It’s never fun for a homeowner to stand in a bathroom with toilet water around their ankles trying to figure out why the toilet is overflowing and where the shut-off valve for the house is. In addition to being horribly inconvenient, toilet overflow can have some pretty nasty bacteria in it. So it’s best to get the problem solved as quick as possible. Calling a plumber Burbank is the fastest and best way to ensure that the problem is solved and won’t return.

A blocked toilet can be a sign of a clogged and dirty pipe system that needs to be cleaned out from one end to the other. Plumbing contractors show up with video cameras that can travel the length of the system and find out exactly where the clog is. They can also diagnose if there’s a break in the line or some other problem. Once the plumber has located the blockage, he can decide on the best technique to get rid of it. For many deep clogs, hydro-jetting is the best solution. A specially designed hose and nozzle can force pressurized water down the pipe. The water travels at a pressure up to 3,500 pounds per square inch. That’s enough power to get rid of tree roots and other debris.

Homeowners can prevent future problems by having a plumbing contractor come out once a year and inspect the pipes and drains. They may even do a proactive pipe cleaning, if the household has a history of clogs. At that time the plumber might suggest that they inspect the water heater. An annual inspection will go a long way toward alleviating midnight showers with no hot water. The skilled technician will identify parts that are on the verge of wearing out and replace them. A well-maintained hot water heater will run more efficiently for many years. However, every water heater eventually stops working.

When a homeowner has a close relationship with a plumbing Burbank technicians, that plumber will know the home’s plumbing system and hot water heater. He’ll warn the homeowner when it’s almost time to install a new water heater. That way the transition can be a planned event and not an emergency. The plumber and homeowner will have time to discuss the best brand and model for the new water heater.

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