What To Look For When Choosing Replacement Windows

by | Dec 20, 2016 | Construction and Maintenance

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If you have reached the point where you are going to replace the windows in your home; take your time when choosing them. A key component of San Antonio replacement windows is energy efficiency, windows today are a lot more “high-tech” than they were thirty or forty years ago, furthermore, as it is the windows that define your home, pick those that add curb appeal.

When to upgrade the windows in your home:

If your current windows are beginning to jamb when you try to open and close them or they are becoming draftier, it may be time to consider replacing them. Years ago when the current windows in your home were installed there was not the same attention to quality nor were there practical new materials available.

New windows can have a significant impact on your energy bills. Even if they still operate OK, chances are the original single glazing is not performing well when compared to today’s double and triple glazing. It is not unusual to see up to a 30 percent drop in your energy costs once you have upgraded the windows.

What about material?

There are three different materials used in the construction of windows:

   * Aluminum: Even though aluminum windows are cheap, they are becoming less popular because they are not very efficient. Aluminum is not an insulator, heat and cold will transfer straight through the material.

   * Wood: Wood is very attractive; the downside is maintenance and cost. After five or ten years of exposure to the elements wood windows will not perform as they did the day they were installed, plus, there is a lot of maintenance involved.

   * Vinyl: Economical, energy efficient and durable; this is why vinyl windows are so attractive to so many homeowners considering San Antonio replacement windows. Vinyl has a great track record of beating heat and humidity, the type of climate you expect in San Antonio.

The key to success is taking your time to investigate the pros and cons of what windows are available and choosing the best supplier and installer.

San Antonio replacement windows will drive down the cost of heating and cooling your home. To discuss the features and benefits of replacement windows you are invited to contact Shaw Company Remodeling.

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