According to a survey conducted in 2007, the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) revealed that vehicles with personalized or vanity license plates stand at 9.7 million in numbers. The survey showed the penetration rate among different jurisdictions of vanity plates out of the total number of the vehicles that has been issued personalized license plates. The top three regions according to the survey are Virginia (16.9%), New Hampshire (13.99%) and Illinois (13.41%). Although all the vanity plates are under the supervision of the Department of Motor vehicle (DMV), you must keep in mind some important aspects of the vanity plates application and registration process.
Some Important Facts About Vanity License Plates
There are some essential information about vanity license plates which have to be considered during the purchase process:
- The application or registration fee will not be refunded if there is change of choice of spacing after the order has been placed, or is an incorrectly filled request form is submitted.
- The office of the Secretary of State will be the ultimate authority that can recall the vanity plates in case it is offensive or obscene. They can also approve of your request for the second option in case the prime request is not available.
- If more than three applications are submitted, it can be done by an additional attachment along with the request forms.
- Letters must be followed by numbers on personalized plates of RV, B-truck, antique vehicle, RT and antique motorcycle.
- Splash marks must be used to indicate the requirement of space between the letters. Spacing between numbers and letters is automatically applied when the spacing varies according to customer choice. The complete responsibility of filling the form correctly is placed on the customer.
Registration fees
- The total registration cost amounts to $94, excluding initial registration fees. By making some extra payment to charitable causes, you can personalize your choice. Most of the vanity license plates require annual fees in addition to the normal charges.
- Additionally, if you have an antique vehicle, you can get an antique plate registered for five years at an initial fee of $30 with charges reducing $6 every year.
However, you can go through the “Blue List’ to avoid inconvenience. So, before someone else gets their hands on a plate of your choice, hurry up and proudly flash it inside a solid and stylish frame!