In-Home Senior Care is a Great Alternative

by | Sep 29, 2016 | Health

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Nine out of ten seniors will tell you they want to stay in their own home. In-home registered nursing care in Hollister CA is a great option instead of a nursing home, an assisted living facility or another type of residential housing. Nobody ever really wants to force grandma out of her home and make her live in some place where she doesn’t want to be and where she gives up on life, physically and mentally. Services that are supplied will vary from state-to-state based on laws and regulations, but they do allow your loved one to remain safely in familiar surroundings.

It Helps with Caregiver Burnout

Many people don’t even stop to consider this as something to be concerned about, but it is. If the senior remaining in their own home means that a family members or members have to provide round the clock care, they can get overwhelmed and exhausted. Stress levels can run so high that it can be devastating to a family. In-home care means that there can be a professional staying with your loved one while you get a much needed break. Here’s a hint, your loved one probably needs a break from you at times as well.

A Better Quality of Life

Staying in their own home greatly increases a senior’s chances of remaining independent, vigorous and active. In-home care can keep seniors safe, help them with bathing and dressing, household chores, meet their nutritional needs, see that they take needed medications, and many other small tasks.  They can offer rehabilitative services and keep the senior’s body and mind active. VNA’s registered nursing staff will do everything they can to meet your senior’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. They also offer support services to the entire family.

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