Contemporary Garden Ideas Using Garden Supplies in Portland That Gets a Buzz

by | May 9, 2014 | Home and Garden

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A garden is not just a nice outside part of a home, but a legitimate addition and extension of a living space. Most gardens that are well done will capture the attention of passersby right alongside the property itself, and some seriously gorgeous designers will captivate viewers. A garden, even in Oregon a bit known for its cold climate, is not something just to ignore. Sure, gardeners do not have quite the range of options widely available in Florida or Hawaii, but the far Northwest offers a unique palette of plants and wildlife.

Below are a few big picture tips that would work brilliantly in the great state. These contemporary ideas add a mighty edge to a garden space.

Cater to the Wildlife

A garden is not just a series of big and vibrant plants. A garden is a home to thousands of creatures, some a little icky and some absolutely beautiful. If one is new to gardening, they can try a very modern approach. This is catering the garden life to the real life. In other words, complement the garden with tools and plants that attract wildlife. For example, leaving seed heads through the winter will pay off in the spring when all the creatures are attracted to them. Pollinator attraction chemicals will bring out the butterflies in swarms, and bird feeders will attract some beautiful bird life. These garden supplies in Portland are majestic and wonderful for the wild animals coexisting peacefully with the garden that was hand crafted.

Revisit the Native Decor

Every landscape has a certain personality and natural growth pattern. Cacti are native to the desert. Palm trees are staples in the Deep South tropics. Many people opt for a flower garden that may not necessarily be completely native, and are surprised when they struggle. Perhaps the best way is to lean into the native environment with Garden Supplies in Portland and not away. The plant life is naturally resilient and the garden reflects the decor of the land perfectly.

Best Buy in Town Landscape Supply provides some excellent insight into these strategies as well as many others in the Oregon region.

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